
Paige Six | Creative Writer & Artist

Paige Six | *creative

Welcome to my little plot of galaxy here on the internet of things! I’m Paige Six, a creative soul who has been writing, painting, and sharing my passions compulsively since childhood.

Most recently you may have seen my lunar photography featured in print magazines such as Emotional Alchemy. I studied at the College of Staten Island, and worked as a freelance Artist Liaison for NYC comic conventions between 2003 and 2016.

The work I’m most proud of, however, was my volunteer time with ArtWorks NYC bringing art programs to public schools who have lost their funding. And Ladies of the Roundtable, a non-profit which raised scholarships for young women hoping to study at specialized STEM and STEAM schools.

Currently I am working on my first poetry collection Cosmic Vertigo; a poetry collection based upon some of my favorite past-times: Astronomy and unavailable men. (They have a lot more in common than you might imagine). Please subscribe to notifications for updates on the collection.